Friday, January 21, 2011


I consider myself the most vulnerable person on earth. Easily played on, easily fooled, easily taken for granted.

Now why did i give this blog its title? That's because this is my overview of how I have been a friend and how I have been neglected as one.

I almost always see the good things. If a person shows me one good side of him/her, you win me. That tiny bitsy thing will give me a lasting impression of that person, of his potentials, clouding everything else that I should have taken in consideration. Realities that are right in front of my face.

What can i say, that's me. Is there anything bad in seeing the good in others? Nothing i guess. It only becomes bad when the other person uses that to either exploit you, play with you or worse be so selfish.

Many times I have gone out of my boundaries just to save a friendship that I have valued most, only to be rejected. It even came to the point of begging. still, no budge. Then it struck me, this person never valued me. with all the good I've shown, nothing good was given back. And I have only myself to deal with it in sadness.

As i may quote one of the messages I got from GodWhispers....."Go to where you are appreciated, not to where you are tolerated, not to where you are not valued. I have given you gifts. Give them to those who appreciate them. Do not throw your pearls to the swine." So true... ^_^

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