Friday, January 21, 2011

BB Creams..... the bug got me!!!

I really am not fond of make-up, mainly because they often cause me to break out and second, I'm a dummy in using them, duh! My routine basically consists of powder and lipgloss and some eyeliner if I'm not so lazy, teehee :)

So, I didn't really give much attention whenever I hear my younger cousins and nieces talk of foundations, eye shadows, etc., And now the new fad, BB creams. Hmm, sounds Korean to me. What instantly comes to mind are Kpops and those really fair-skinned Korean artists, which obviously I know nothing about **grin**

What really brought my attention to BB creams was when I got curious to what BB actually means. Off I went to check Mr. Wikipedia to enlighten me. Whoa! See my naivete? It actually originated in Germany, not Korea, and not as a cosmetic but rather as an ointment used to soothe and regenerate the skin after laser surgery. Thus, it was called BB cream or Blemish Balm. That's interesting. Reading on to related articles, it did say that a Korean actress was the first to use it for beauty purposes. Well, that makes sense. If it can heal the skin after laser surgery and hide blemishes as well, wouldn't that be great?

Most BB creams now are manufactured in Korea, and like any beauty product, a lot of improvements have been made on it to meet the needs of different type of skin plus other extra benefits, such as SPF. To make the story short, I bought one... hehe, like I said, it got me!

It's really funny coz I got late in the game, so when I was choosing one for me I was really amazed with the many variants offered in the market now. A single brand offers like 3 or more kinds. Anyway, I settled for Skinfood's Peach Sake BB cream because of the good reviews I read about it and because I don't want to confuse myself any more by looking into all the options.

Here it is:

Skinfood's Peach Sake Pore BB Cream #2
So far, I love it! It's like a tinted moisturizer and I like that it has SPF20+. The coverage is light to medium which is fine with me. It's supposed to offer good oil control which didn't really work much for me, maybe because I really have oily skin and I don't use primers. But I really like that it doesn't feel heavy on my skin, it actually gives me a natural and healthy glow which is amazing really. And most of all, it doesn't aggravate my pimples. Really good for my sensitive skin. And the sweet smell! Love it! :)

Am I glad that I got curious on this stuff, now I found a product that really compliments my skin without that cake-y look. Maybe I'll try Skinfood's Aloe BB cream next :)

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